Three Hundred and Thirty-Fifth Asic: Once Upon a Time…Young Prince Ketchup Married in Sweden…

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Once upon a time a very rich Queen in a big Ketchup Country West of the rest, built a Fortune on tomatoes, sauces and relishes…

The Queen tried very hard to encourage her son to catch up and choose a girl from the Ketchup Country, and her husband set out in the world to meet Kings and Queens, world leaders en masse…but a princess whom his stepson could marry… were nowhere to be found…

The stepson, Prince Ketchup travelled near and far, East and West, North and South…but no princess seemed to be good enough… In a distant vulcanic country with Icelandic horses and hot springs, the Prince at least caught a glimpse of a lovely girl, but just as he offered her some ketchup, she was no longer there! The Ketchup Prince searched both Near and Far. He followed close the Viking trail and asked a speaking killer whale:

Where could she be, my bride to be? Who hid her now? MY enemy?

No, do not worry Ketchup Prince! the whale exclaimed and searched her mail…

I see right here she will be found! But Catch Up now! I hear a sound!

A  King and Queen away from here, invited her, but off now, dear!

In Sweden she is working!  Hear!

The Prince flew off in quite a rush, to gather friends and buy some stuff…

A happy end this story has! The Prince has found a lovely lass!

She is not Swedish, but at least, our country hosts the lovely feast!

AND, I guess they lived happily ever after… 


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